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Monday, January 27, 2014

Promoting A Concert

This is going to be a bit of a two-pronged blog post. If you've been following me at all here at Trust-Worthy News, you'll know that I obviously post about things that are going on with our group, Trust Quartet. You'll also have noticed that I blog quite often about a concert that I have attended. Today though, I want to have you consider the importance of promoting your concerts well.

There are a number of inexpensive or even FREE ways to promote a concert that you are hosting. By all means, word of mouth is FREE! Have people in your church tell other people who are not in your church about your concert event. The absolute best way to get anyone to come is to invite them. (Incidentally, that's true about your church services or your relationship with Christ, too!)

Most groups will send to you, or make available to you online, a poster that you can put the time/date/place information on to place in your facility or around town. The more of these you can place in public places, the better you are. Again, this is FREE promotion. It just may take a little time and effort on your part.

Also, the more concerts you host, the more successful you will be at promoting them. Here's a couple of examples. Trust Quartet regularly sings at The Red Barn in Clewiston, FL. Before we started doing those, Billy and Judy would only have a handful of people to show up and were on the fringes of quitting. We encouraged them to keep on keepin' on and to continue to have quality groups come to their place. Now, very few concerts have less than 100 people there and it has grown to be a thriving place to have a concert event. The groups I'm familiar with love going there, and as we watch the ones who attend the concerts, they like 'em, too!

Another prime example is the Faith Baptist Church in Vero Beach, FL. Trust Quartet sang there several years ago, before I had even heard of Trust Quartet. But every year now, between November and April, usually a couple of Friday nights per month, there's going to be a concert. They have used the longevity and consistency of providing Southern Gospel music to an area that doesn't get a lot of it to their advantage. There is no radio station that plays exclusively Southern Gospel music in our listening area. Yet, because this church has been consistent with providing the area with this genre of music, if you want a seat at a concert, take my advice and GET THERE EARLY! I've seen personal friends who've driven almost 3 hours to get to a concert get turned away because there were no seats available.

The way I learned of this venue and attend as many concerts as I do is their church sign. If you've already put up a church sign with a changeable message, this is now another FREE way to promote your concert. Here comes the second prong to this blog. Notice, too, this is advertised fully two weeks ahead of the concert in this manner. If you have a concert coming up, go ahead and let folks in your community know about it so they can plan to attend it!

Signs like this in visible places do wonders to promote your concert!
While driving home this past Friday, I passed the church and had to turn around. I've known about and looked forward to this concert for several months! When I saw their sign I had to turn around and go back to take a picture ~ specifically for this blog post. The Nelons are among my favorite groups in the Southern Gospel industry. I followed them from the very beginning when they were the Rex Nelon Singers. In fact, I was at a concert in Thomasville, GA right after Amber was born. It was one of her first ever appearances, and now she's singing soprano with the group and does a phenomenal job! It will be well worth your investment to hear her sing More Than Wonderful. Or the Hallelujah Chorus. Or I Stand Amazed ~ you get the idea.

The Nelons are one of the more personable groups you'll ever be around. Because I've been involved in some form of Southern Gospel, whether radio or singing it, for the better part of the last 30 years, I've had the privilege of being around quite a few of the artists from time to time. Please understand, very few of them know me or would remember the contact that I've had with them. But I'm excited to tell you of a group who is who they claim to be. In speaking with a person in Nashville who does know many of the groups on a personal level, I asked him (without hinting why) what he thought of the Nelons. He couldn't say enough good things about this family. He emphasized they are the real deal.

And so, Jason, Kelly, Amber, Autumn, and even Stacy Newbern the bus driver ~~ we are looking forward to seeing you guys in Vero Beach! Oh, and I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Sam and Buddy, too! Friends, if you're in the Vero Beach area on Friday, February 7, come to Faith Baptist Church to hear this group sing. You will not be disappointed ~ I guarantee it. But the concert starts at 7; GET THERE EARLY!!

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